Services: Physical Therapy

About Orthopedic Bodywork

in Santa Barbara & Montecito

Call 805.452.5535
to Make an Appointment
with Amanda 
in Santa Barbara or Montecito

Massage Sessions

$150 per session

Orthopedic Bodywork is a type of Massage used to treat the musculoskeletal system. It helps to improve function and efficiency of human biomechanics, and can be prescribed as a preventative treatment. It is used in injury prevention and focuses on improving soft tissue mobility to relieve pain while restoring balance to the human body and creating a fuller range of motion.

Meet our Therapist

AMANDA SCHWARTZ, Orthopedic Bodywork & Human Performance Specialist

Amanda Schwartz –

Orthopedic Bodywork & Human Performance Specialist

Meet Amanda, an experienced and dedicated licensed orthopedic bodyworker, and human performance specialist who has made it her life’s mission to help individuals regain mobility, find relief from pain, and improve their overall quality of life.

Amanda has extensive education and training in orthopedic bodywork, and human performance which has developed her skillset and knowledge to become a trusted expert in this field.

With years of hands-on experience and training, Amanda has developed a deep understanding of the musculoskeletal system and the interconnectedness of its various components. Her expertise allows her to assess and identify specific issues, whether it be chronic pain, postural imbalances, or sports-related injuries.