PhysioFit Wellness Blog

Bear Crawl To Thoracic Bridge
This is such an awesome full body exercise for functional training. It is one of my favorite exercises to help improve shoulder mobility and thoracic spine mobility. Excellent for core and rotary stability helping to reduce back pain. It impacts the reduction of neck pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, and wrist/hand pain. Great for improving mobility of your hips, knees and ankles/feet!

How To Do A Turkish Get-Up! “The Turkish Get-Up”
The Turkish Get-Up: If You’re left on a desert island with one exercise, this should be it! This is a total-body exercise that increases torso stabilization and overall strength. The movement is very complex and requires upper body strength to maintain a weight overhead, shoulder stability, hip and glutes strength to raise your body off the floor, and tremendous core strength.

Baby Burpees – 90-90 Pop-Ups To Baby Squat
Baby Burpees – 90-90 Pop-Ups To Baby Squat: This is a NeuroKinetX pattern that facilitates recruitment of the posterior kinetic chain elements in the spine, hips, knees, ankles and feet for pain relief, strengthening, stabilization, and motor planning. This progression also facilitates improved mobility of the hips, pelvis and lumbar spine as well as facilitates neurodynamic mobilization and neural threading.

Neck Strengthening Routine – How A Baby Improves Neck Strength
GREAT Neck Strengthening Routine! — Baby Squat to Modified Headstand. — Many times when your neck becomes tight, stiff and painful applying load to that area can be a very beneficial way to help relieve your neck pain, especially when stretching doesn’t seem to be...

Scorpion Stretch – How To Do A Scorpion Stretch
Great for low back pain, hip pain and core strengthening!

Bear Crawl To World’s Greatest Stretch
Great for warm-up and injury prevention for back pain, hip pain, knee pain, and shoulder pain.

Downward Dog To Baby Squat – Resolve Back Pain, Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain
Resolve Back pain, Hip pain, Knee pain, and Shoulder pain with one exercise!

Wrist And Elbow (1) Strengthening/Mobility Exercises – Wrist Clocks
Great exercise for wrist pain and elbow pain. Condition specific for tennis elbow, Golfer’s Elbow and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

NeuroKinetX – Baby Battle Crawl
Essentially a mobility, strength, proprioception, coordination and core workout all rolled into one exercise.

NeuroKinetX – Baby Rolling
IMPROVE movements that facilitate not only rotation of the trunk but flexion and extension patterns.
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