PhysioFit Consulting Services

We offer a range of consulting options from custom tailored rehabilitation programs, performance coaching and virtual assessments. If you are interested in a more personalized rehab experience, then these are the best options for you.

Physical Therapy

in Montecito

Initial Evaluation - Physical Therapy


One Time fee  - Self Pay Rate (without insurance)

Click here for more info

Follow Up - Physical Therapy Treatments


One Time fee  - Self Pay Rate (without insurance)

Click here for more info

Performance Longevity Training

in Montecito

Initial Evaluation - Longevity Training


One Time fee  - Self Pay Rate (without insurance)

Click here for more info

    Call 805.618.6823
    to Make an Appointment
    with Dr. Evan in Montecito

    Follow Up - Longevity Training


    Self Pay Rate (without insurance)

    Click here for more info

      Call 805.618.6823
      to Make an Appointment
      with Dr. Evan in Montecito


      in Montecito with Dr. Evan

      in Santa Barbara with Josh Rodezno

      Initial Evaluation - Kinesiotherapy


      One Time fee  - Self Pay Rate (without insurance)

      Click here for more info

      Follow Up - Kinesiotherapy Treatments

      $215 - Dr. Evan

      $185 - Josh Rodezno

      One Time fee  - Self Pay Rate (without insurance)

      Click here for more info

      Call 805.618.6823
      to Make an Appointment
      with Dr. Evan in Montecito

      Call (805) 280-2549
      to Make an Appointment
      with Josh in Santa Barbara

      Orthopedic Bodywork

      in Santa Barbara
      and Montecito

      Massage Sessions

      $150 per session

      Orthopedic Bodywork is a type of Massage used to treat the musculoskeletal system. It helps to improve function and efficiency of human biomechanics, and can be prescribed as a preventative treatment. It is used in injury prevention and focuses on improving soft tissue mobility to relieve pain while restoring balance to the human body and creating a fuller range of motion.

      Call 805.452.5535
      to Make an Appointment
      with Amanda 
      in Santa Barbara or Montecito

      About PhysioFit, Kinesiotherapy, Longevity Training, and Strength and Conditioning Coaching

      Services: Physical Therapy

      Physical Therapy

      I work to enable people like you to overcome pain injury and inertia to feel whole, energized and healthy. If you are currently sidelined by pain or lack of motivation let’s work together to help you achieve your goals. I will re-conceptualize your situation and develop a customized plan to return you to life and the things you love to do in a timely and cost-effective manner..

      Services: Kinesiotherapy


      Kinesiotherapy is a philosophy about exercise and rehabilitation which focuses on understanding neuro-developmental movement patterns. Through repetition we strengthen and mobilize the nervous system by re-coordinating the MOVEMENTS we once performed well. These movements become “RUSTY” due to weakness, decreased motor planning, etc. Once the coordination has improved then we increase the stimulus (load, speed... etc) to exact a response.

      Services: Longevity Training

      Longevity Training

      The Longevity Training Club is a Marketplace of health, wellness, performance and longevity in Montecito, California. We strive to help the community by offering high end researched based therapy and interventions for combatting the stress of everyday life and to increase vitality, and optimize longevity.

      Services: Strength Training

      Strength and Conditioning Coaching

      A PhysioFit Performance Program uniquely designed to address your specific goals and needs! Once purchased you will be able to describe your goals using our program chart and questionnaire.


      "Evan Howe offers great PT and developmental patterns to help progress his patients. After years of success on a vast array of patients, this unique approach has become a staple in his treatment. He’s helped me with several various injuries and got me back to where I can push myself to the best of my abilities. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to return to their prior level of function or push themselves to achieve their own success!"

      Nick Simon

      "Simply the best at PT ! I tore apart my entire shoulder fighting at the jiu jitsu world championships in 2013 that required major surgery. We met every time my script was elevated or if I had severe pain. Evan would do manual corrections to eliminate the pain and inflammation during times I thought I needed an additional surgery. Long story short, I was back fighting at the highest level of jiu jitsu within 4 months after surgery thanks to his rehab techniques. I can’t say enough good things about how innovative and smart this man is. I wouldn’t have won my 2017 black belt national championship without his expertise."

      JT Lawrence